نظرات کاربران

MRS MOZHGAN I er det bedste . 10-11-2020

Fantastisk hjemmeside ✨


Super godt undervisning og effektiv. Jeg har bestået min teøriprøve første gang med jeres undervisninger og prøverne. Jeg vil anbefale alle prove.dk. Tusind tak. Mvh Changiz

Lisa Really well structured and in line with what to expect in the tests. I passed first time! 07-11-2020
Veenith Very useful for theory test. If you can get above 23 consistently on the practice tests on prove.dk you can most definitely pass the actual test 03-11-2020
Arounkumar Thanks Prove.DK for cracking the Driving Theory Test. Well Designed and useful one. 03-11-2020
SIVAKUMAR Testing pages and more tests are good. 03-11-2020
Lars Fint! Jeg bestod i første hug! 03-11-2020
Feven Tekeste I passed my theory test with one shoot only by studying from prove.dk. tak prove.dk 03-11-2020

perfect way to pass theory


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