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Asaad Today , on 3rd December 2018, I finally managed to pass my theory exam. is really excellent website to prepare for most of the different and challenging questions. I must say ' every one' should use It support service is also fantastic. Thanks , the whole team. Regards Asaad 03-12-2018
Sofia The woman reading the theory in danish doesn't sound danish. Den dame der læser teorien i videoerne lyder ikke dansk, da hun mangler ord eller siger dem forkert. 29-10-2018
elizabeth mugele olwith i have signed in today 10-08-2018
ALBERTINE MOUGUE Thanks to i just passed my theory exam today 25/07/2018. the website is very helpful for those who are interested to learn and make it work for them. 25-07-2018
Brhane Jeg har keord 20-07-2018
Eric La Cour

Hej  Vil bare sige tak for din hjemmeside Den har hjulpet mig meget mere end den min kørelærer brugte De er amatører i forhold til din. Så tak for en god hjemmeside med masser af relevante prøver og tips. Med venlig hilsen Eric La Cour

Miloš Hi, This is a great site, and the tests are fantastic! 23-05-2018
Ram Kafle I have passed the theory test last month and I am preparing for the Practical test nowadays. I used mostly while preparing for the theory test. The complete package (theory book, videos, real test simulation, online tutorials etc.) helped me to prepare in a right way. Therefore, I recommend this programme for the theory test. Good luck... 06-05-2018
Sajjad Hi everyone I am learning at home in urdu hindi. Can i book a theory exam online with this site ? Can someone's help me? 30-04-2018
Daniel kebede tesfaye Det virker ikke 10-04-2018

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