प्रयोगकर्ता टिप्पणीहरू
Sharon Hu Bach Highly recommended for anyone who is preparing for driving theory test This is a great online theory test practice system site. At first, I was joining the subscription to another online practice site referred by my instructor. But the explanations there were not enough and many errors. So I google search and found prove.dk At first, the price of 49 kr. for 7 days attract my attention, because I paid 299 kr. for the last one. So I tried prove.dk since it does not cost much and I already made schedule for the test 5 days after. There are total 37 tests. Some are focusing on parking and stopping laws, others are changing lanes, speed limited and many topics. Then the amazing part is the online live chat, which whenever I have questions and doubts about the answers, I text them right away and their responses were swift and in detail. They were very patient to explain to me even about my silly doubt. When I found out that the English version is only audio and without any text to read, they instructed me to change the practice format to only audio but not text for practice. I am very appreciated they have this feature so I can get used and ready for the real test. Another amazing thing is that if you pass all their tests but fail the real one at the first attempt, they will give you money back. Finally, I passed the test with 5 errors. I am satisfied with the result, since I only focused on the practice tests from prove.dk the last 3 days and I failed half of their exams, but still can pass the real test. I don't think I could pass the test if I kept working on the tests from the previous site. Thumbs up with this amazing system !! Sharon ^^ 20.08.2013 20-08-2013
Sharon I am very pleased and satisfied with the practice exams Prove.dk provided. They answered me all my questions and doubts from the practice test very thoroughly. I also could practice the test like the real test without text but only audio. I passed the theory test at the first attempt eventually. Thanks Prove.dk Very appreciated !! Sharon 20-08-2013
Chat Visitor 168522454 hej jeg er bestået med kun 1 fejl prove.dk4:05 PM Perfekt:-) prove.dk4:06 PM Var det nemt? Kan du huske fejlen? Visitor 168522454:06 PM ja det var med overhaling Visitor 168522454:07 PM det var meeeeeeeeeegeeeeeet nemt synes jeg 19-08-2013
Chat Visitor 64024460 hi. i just want to inform you that i passed my teoriprøve today :) thanks for the help 06.05.2013 19-08-2013
Amit I took my Teori test yesterday and passed in first attempt. Let me thank you sincerely for setting up the Prove.dk site with all the traffic situations. Had I not subscribed or the tests at Prove.dk I would not have been able to pass the exam on first shot. Sincere thanks once again for being online and answering promptly the questions and doubts I have had. Best Regards and sincere thanks once again. Amit. 04.03.2013 19-08-2013
Melwin Lawrance I have completed my driving theory test yesterday and passed, the online tests was very helpful. Melwin Lawrance 16.11.12 19-08-2013
Alexandra Medvedyeva I passed :) Your site was useful. 31.01.2013 19-08-2013
Fatima Shamin Jeg har forberedt mig til teoriprøve med prove.dk Jeg synes den er en rigtig god webside. Der er også adgang til online teoribog, den er så god, desuden vil jeg sige tusind tak til Andrija som hjalp mig online med at forklare billederne. Tak Andrija og fortsætt med det gode arbejde. ps bestået med 1 fejl :-) Fatima 19-08-2013
Markus Noer Knudsen Super side Jeg købte adgang til denne side for nogen uger siden. Ved første øjekast så den faktisk alt for god ud til prisen, så jeg var ikke helt troværdig, i og med jeg ikke kunne finde noget omkring siden på internettet. Så man kunne fpå 3 dage gratis, hvis man fulgte dem på Facebook, gjorde jeg, og kunne derved se at det var et reelt system, og betalte glædeligt de 99 kroner, det koster for en måned. Siden har alt, Teori bog (som vidst sku være noget mere spændende end den ''rigtige'') en side med skilte, så man kan se deres formål, en oversigt over de prøver du har taget, så man kan se hvordan man forhåbentlig har forbedret sig. Vil kun kommentere på teoriprøve delen, da jeg ikke rigtig har gjort udnytte af overstående andet end oversigten. Teoriprøve delen er meget godt, der er mange teori prøver, og et par af dem går mere eller mindre helt op i pakering, osv. Der er to stemmer, den ene lyder lidt hjemmelavet, men den anden er super. Man kan vælge om man vil have teksten vist (nye digitale prøver) eller om man vil have uden tekts (gamle metode) og der er nok af prøver at tag af. De både svare på beskeder fra Facebook, samt så har de en lille online chat, hvor der sidder en kørelærer man kan få hjælp til af alt, dette er langt overlegen alle andre betaligns sider med teoriprøver. Alt i alt 100% kvalitets side til det halve af hvad det koster hos alle de populærer sider. Chat delen er super. Bestod forresten den rigtige teoriprøven med 2 fejl. 09.08.2013 19-08-2013
Ratna Priyav I just like to say that I have passed my theory test, and I am thankful to you Andrija for guiding me here at prove.dk 19.08.2013 19-08-2013