Comentarios del usuario

Lisbeth Dalgaard Jeg er ikke positiv, for jeg dumpede. Og nej; jeg kiggede ikke billeder og lagrede dem i hukommelsen, men tog stilling til hvert enkelt billede. 05-07-2013
Vh Annabella Ville bare lige rose jer for jeres teori prøver. Takket været det har jeg bestået Idag! :-) 24-05-2013
Hilsen Dalibor Jeg har idag bestået teoriprøven med 4 fejl. Mange tak for hjælpen med teoriprøver 24-05-2013
Leif K. Hej. Jeg var lidt for ivrig en søndag formiddag med traileren på slæb. Der skal kun 30%´s hastighedsoverskridelse til, for at få betinget frakendt sit kørekort når man kører med trailer. Jeg søgte på nettet efter teoriprøver, og fandt Askoreskole´s hjemmeside med teoritest.( På siden er der ialt 35 teori test incl. fejlstatistik og dertilhørende randomtests. Jeg gennemførte faktisk dem alle - og i dag har jeg så været til teoriprøve. Bestod første gang med 0 - NUL fejl ! Så . . lidt stolt har man vel lov til at være :D) Min første teoriprøve bestod jeg for næsten 44 år siden, og dengang foregik det ved, at man sad overfor en bestemt herre, der stillede spørgsmålene. Faktisk en rarere måde synes jeg, fordi man derved har bedre muligheder for at forklare sig, end ved blot at sætte et kryds ved enten JA eller NEJ. Jeg kan varmt anbefale at benytte Askoreskole´s trafikteoritests.( 24-05-2013
Fan Great tips for an easy test...and there you are with the licence. I like this. I do find there are few error (english voice does not match the text) but overall it is an excellent system. Your online feedback system is just fantastic. Best Regards! 24-05-2013
Caleb After taking these lessons I have been able to acquire the knowledge needed to obtain a driving license. Now I have the license. So thank you so much and I am so grateful. 24-05-2013
Naveen K. Its great that have prepared 35 online test in English which could be found at their site and I hope before going to theory test we must give a try and if you were able to clear all the 35 tests then hope any one should clear the police theory test. At-last my little dream have come true. Guess What?!!! Its nothing than to own a permanent Danish driving license. Hurray, now I am more comfortable to drive through out Europe with my little car. Thousand thanks to Andreja and Goran who helped me to make up to my little dream. 24-05-2013
Puk C. I wish I could give you a hug A.S. Køreskole to show my thankfulness. I just passed my theory exam with only 2 mistakes :) I did not pass exam once and my friend told me about your website ( I had problem with language as test is in Danish theory. After going through your 35 tests in Danish, then I am totally ready and confident with the knowledge I learn from so many situations on your tests. Thank you so much :) 24-05-2013
Melwin Lawrance I have completed my driving theory test yesterday and passed, the online tests was very helpful. 24-05-2013

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