Faallooyinka isticmaalaha
Jerome Daniel The online test is very good and informative. I would recommend this for other .I could pass the first time . thanks 04-04-2014
Troels Lyck Tak for denne gang Jeg bestod teoriprøven med 0 fejl. Hilen Troels 08-03-2014
Borhan Pakju Jeg fik meget gode ting fra jeres hjemmeside og jeg take jer. 04-03-2014
Visitor 7314430 I passed the exam today! Thanks to your site. It was very helpful 18-02-2014
Visitor 40912869 Tusinde tak for hjælpen!! GOD SERVICE! :-) tak for de hurtige svar. 09-02-2014
Visitor 50369564 Visitor 50369564 5:59 PM Jeg vil bare sig mange tak. Jeg var til teoriprøve for 2 dage siden, og bestod med to fejl 1 fejl bestod jeg med** 25-01-2014
Visitor 50369564 8:59 PM Visitor 50369564 8:59 PM Jeg har et spørgsmål angående den rigtige teoritest. Jeg skal op på torsdag, og en del af mine venner siger den rigtige test er nemmere end dem man øver. Passer det? Og hvordan? Visitor 50369564 9:00 PM Forresten er jeg rigtig glad for jeres hjemmeside 21-01-2014
Visitor 50369564 9:34 PM Visitor 50369564 9:34 PM Hvis man består lidt forskelligt en gang i mellem 0 fejl, andre gange 3 fejl og dumper nogen gange, hvad er sandsynligheden for at bestå den rigtige prøve så? :-) prove.dk has joined. prove.dk 9:35 PM Så vil du bestå politiets prøve prove.dk 9:36 PM Vi giver beståelses garanti at hvis du bestå alle 37 prøver i senest 2. forsøg så vil du bestå 100% politiets prøve. Ellers vil vi give dig pengene tilbage Visitor 503695649:37 PM Gav selvtillid :D prove.dk 9:37 PM :-) Visitor 503695649:37 PM - Har ikke brug for pengene det er en super hjemmeside 21-01-2014
Nemanja Good site 06-01-2014
Dominique Basson A good way to practice theory tests I think that this is a good site that is an invaluable aid to learning how to do the Danish theory test. The online chat is pretty good with questions being answered immediately, most of the time. The site does provide a guarantee for a refund if you can pass all 37 tests in two runs, and still fail the real theory test at the police station. However, there are some technical issues with some of the tests that can make this a difficult goal to achieve. Such technical difficulties include missing sound bites or repeated sound bites. Despite this I do recommend the site to anyone who needs to practice for the Danish driving theory test. I will also sign up for other family members and recommend the site to colleagues. 03-12-2013