
What do I get when I buy access to

When you buy access to, you get access to all material and all languages. is an online system with video theory lessons and theory tests for cars (category B) and motorcycles (category A). In addition, you get an overview of all traffic signs and an online theory book for cars (Danish and English). The theory tests can be practiced with manual click on and with automatic continuation with between 2 and 9 seconds for answers you choose yourself: You can change the settings as you like in both language and time interval and choose between seeing the text of the questions on the test or not. At the Swedish Transport Agency, you do not see the text, only image and sound. All your answers are saved and you can practice as many times as you want and always see your previous answers. There are explanations for each picture. The test is composed so that it is similar to the requirements of the Danish Transport Agency's tests.

MC – category A 30 video lessons for motorcycles that cover the entire teaching plan as required by the authorities and all the lessons are in Danish and English. There are 15 theory tests also in Danish and English. The theory tests can be completed both with text and without text. We recommend that you practice without text with 4 seconds to answer, as this is closest to what your theory test at the Swedish Transport Agency is like.

Car – category B 30 video lessons for cars that cover the entire teaching plan required by the authorities and all lessons are available in Danish, English, Turkish, Arabic, Serbo-Croatian and Romanian. There are 40-42 theory tests also in Danish, English, Turkish, Arabic, Serbo-Croatian and Romanian. Additionally in the languages ​​Urdu, Chinese, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, French, Tigrinya, Somali, Kurdish, Albanian, Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese, Nepali, Polish and Lithuanian. The theory tests can be completed both with text and without text. We recommend that you practice without text with 4 seconds to answer, as this is closest to what your theory test at the Swedish Transport Agency is like. It is also possible to practice subject tests, there are 50 subject tests. can be used on PC, smartphone and tablet. You can be logged in to one device at a time.

There are 4 time frames you can choose from, the content is the same for all. It is not a subscription you are buying, you must therefore actively purchase access again if you want more time.

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