100% pass guarantee!
Pass the theory test at Færdselsstyrelsen on the first attempt or your money back. We are confident that you will easily pass the final theory test at Færdselsstyrelsen on the first attempt and therefore we offer a 100% pass guarantee.
You must pass ALL 42 online theory tests on Prove.dk in the first or at the latest in the second attempt to benefit from the pass guarantee.
If you do not pass the theory test at Færdselsstyrelsen on the first attempt, you can write to us at kontakt@prove.dk. We will refund the same amount you have paid to prove.dk within a maximum of 7 business days from the day we have received your email with all the necessary information.
The pass guarantee only applies if you have purchased access directly on prove.dk and if you have passed all 42 online theory tests in the first or latest second attempt. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email: kontakt@prove.dk. In this way, we want to motivate you to complete all our theory tests and prepare you 100% for the final theory test at the Danish Road Safety Agency.
We hope you will enjoy using our theory lessons.